What to Do if Homeowners Insurance Company is Stalling?

When you buy a homeowner’s insurance policy then you will expect your insurer to fulfil all their obligations. Also, you believe that your insurance company helps you in tough times and also provides you peace of mind in case of any natural disaster, accident and also in other incidents as well. But What to Do if Homeowners Insurance Company is Stalling and what is the solution to it, let’s find out. 

What to Do if Homeowners Insurance Company is Stalling?

What to Do if Homeowners Insurance Company is Stalling

Homeowner’s insurance companies have a duty to act in good faith but lots of breaches delay the process of claims and also this practice is mainly known as stalling. If your insurance company is not able to process your homeowner’s insurance claim within a particular period of time then you have a right to file legal complaints about the insurance bad faith claim. Simply consult with homeowner’s insurance attorneys in terms to simply discuss your desired situation. 

Why Do Homeowners Insurance Companies Use Stall Tactics?

Homeowner’s insurance companies employ a huge number of bad faith strategies which also include the stall tactics in terms to avoid or also to delay paying claims. As the insurers are profit-motivated companies they will simply try to increase their revenues by simply using the stall tactics.

The insurance companies delay the processing intentionally and also delay the investigating and paying out the claims in terms to induce a policyholder to accept the offer of a lower settlement. 

Reasons Why Insurance Companies Put Off-Setting A Homeowner’s Insurance Claim

Generally, these are three major reasons why homeowner’s insurance companies put off settling or paying out a claim. 

  • The insurance company requests additional documentation from the claimant. 
  • Also, the insurance company conduct a comprehensive investigation as it suspects the fraudulent claim.
  • The insurer uses a stall tactic in terms to encourage the customer to settle a claim for less than the amount which they actually deserve. 

If you think that your homeowner insurance company is stalling you then you can connect with a knowledgeable attorney at the same time. 

Signs That Your Insurer Is Stalling Your Claim

If you don’t deal with the insurance companies on a daily basis then it will become tough to find out their tendencies at the time of trying to stall your claim and as the person in need of the money repair, it will be easy to accept what they give you as quickly as possible.

Don’t fall into their tricks and read this complete list so that you will be able to spot the signs of stalling as they take place. 

  • The insurer asks you for the documents at a time instead of all the time at once.
  • They deny a completely valid claim immediately. 
  • They continuously ask you for more paperwork and also the documentation which is not required. 
  • Multiple statements that the company has not reached a decision on your case. 
  • They ask for unrelated or intrusive medical records. 
  • They continuously ask you for additional statements from the service provider which are related to the medical treatment or the property damage from the claim. 
  • Also, telling about the laws related to your case and also about how it’s handled in a false manner or lying about these laws together. 
  • The insurance adjuster dodges your phone calls or doesn’t respond to your attempts to contact them. 
  • Switch the insurance adjuster on the claim several times in hopes that the adjuster will simply miss something and also need to pay a low amount on your settlement. 

How Long Can They Legally Delay Your Claim?

Colorado is having some awesome laws on the books to simply protect the customers of the insurance company. When you find out that your insurance company has a claim, they are having a duty to simply evaluate the claim and also to pay out what is fairly owed to you.

The standard for when the company act in bad faith and delays or denies the benefits are not black and white and it will completely depend upon the circumstances of every individual claim.

Also, these variables also include the nature of the accident, amount of damage, whether an injured person has a pre-existing condition and the available amount of insurance coverage. 

If you think that your insurance company is treating you unfairly in terms of evaluating your claim, by paying out less than you feel that you deserve and taking a long time to make an offer or outright deny the payment altogether and reach out to the experienced colorado springs bad faith insurance attorney for the free consultation and also the advisement as well. 

What To Do If My Insurer Is Stalling?

Simply take the following steps in case you suspect that your homeowner’s insurance company is intentionally delaying the processing or delaying paying out the claim. 

  • You need to gather and organize your documentation and records which are all related to the claim. It is really important for you to collect all the following types of evidence and documentation like photos, videos of the property damage, your medical records, repair estimates, a copy of your insurance policy, your correspondence with the insurance company and sp pn. 
  • You need to keep these records in a safe and secure place and ensure that all the documents are well organized. 
  • You need to have a clear timeline of events. You simply need to keep a journal to simply write down everything which happened at the time of a natural disaster or accident which resulted in damage or destruction of your property. 
  • It is required you recall every conversion with the insurance adjuster and write down a summary of what the conversation was about. Memories can fade after a time due to having a clear timeline of the events will help you to strengthen your claim against the insurer. 
  • Cooperate with your homeowners insurance company. Lots of homeowners insurance policies have a clause which needs the policyholder to cooperate with the insurance company at the time of making a claim. 
  • If your insurer requests for any of the additional documentation then you need to provide that document timely and if your insurer asks you to give a recorded statement we advise you to simply consult with the attorney before providing such type of statement. 

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So now you have the right answer on “What to Do if Homeowners Insurance Company is Stalling” but If your homeowner insurance company is stalling you or using delay tactics to avoid paying the claim then simply contact the skilled attorney to simply depend on your rights and also to obtain the compensation you deserve. Simply speak with an expert in your area driven by attorneys.

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