Marketing Tips: 7 Marketing Hacks that Take less than a Minute

Many of us are not full-time marketers and it can be hard to find time in the day to properly promote your business and share the content you produce. However help is at hand and these 7 Marketing Hacks for Business Growth will save you time and hopefully, effectively promote your business.

Top 7 Skyrocket Marketing Hacks for Business Growth

Marketing Hacks for Business

Of course, most marketing techniques will take far longer, but there is definitely scope for employing quick tactics. At the very least by adopting some of these techniques, you’ll feel better about your marketing strategies and you’ll make some progress towards a better marketing campaign.

Write a Captivating Headline

Probably the quickest marketing hack is the headline. A headline can make or break your content so it’s important to write one that is punchy, quick, and gets a person clicking. According to CopyBlogger, you may have eight out of ten people reading your headline, but only two out of ten will actually read your post.

Get some help if you are struggling with devising a good title for your article. Portent’s Content Idea Generator is a helpful, simple tool to add to your online toolbox. All you have to do is type in the subject of your work and it will develop an instant headline.

For example, typing in ‘marketing tips’ got the headline Why Marketing Tips are Sexy. Clearly a searchable and clickable title, so using this feature may be highly advantageous to you.

Share your Own Content

It’s easy to simply reshare posts from other brands and users, but research shows that this is not as effective as sharing your own posts. A study by Edgerank Checker shows that user-created posts are far more likely to go viral.

Be Original and it’ll pay off.

Don’t wantonly steal other people’s work, as of course plagiarism will have a negative effect and is effectively stealing. However, you can use other people’s work and research as a starting point for your own post. If you see a news article you like, don’t just share it, write something original about that subject and you’ll find it’ll be much more successful.

Recycling is Good for the Environment

If you’re struggling with time or creativity, why not simply repost an old blog post you’ve written. Nostalgia is very popular at the moment so even if some users remember the original they may well enjoy rereading your article.

It’s not lazy reposting work in fact it has several benefits:

  • Old blog posts will continue to accumulate likes and shares
  • It will increase the validity and credibility of the original post
  • It may result in new traffic to your site and new links to your work
  • People like to be involved in a conversation so if your post is trending, or has any sort of buzz it’s likely to attract new readers and with them, new comments

Remember though; share evergreen content rather than outdated content that’s no longer relevant – posts on social media tips, blogging ideas, and so on are good for this.

Visit Reddit and Quora

You could spend hours trying to come up with a good original title; one that will trend and get loads of likes, or you could simply visit Reddit and Quora to see what’s already popular. This will help you to receive more views and appear higher in search results.

Again, don’t copy other people’s work but instead use it as a cathartic exercise to generate your own original content. Then, take your topic and try writing a blog post or social media update and get other people to join the conversation. This will generate some buzz for your business and brand.

Check Google Analytics

Google Analytics or any analytics software and see what works on your blog and what doesn’t. Then try and promote those posts that are not getting enough views. Add a call to action feature, essentially a button or link that users will want to click.

Remember, your back catalog is a potential source of new readers just as much as the article you just wrote. Don’t forget to keep promoting your work.

Sixty Second Blog Post

In keeping with the theme of this article, why not give writing a blog post in under a minute ago. Of course, it’s going to be flawed and of course, it won’t be content rich but it is an excellent way to hone your skills when it comes to thinking on your feet.

For social, a recommended way of generating content for a minute post is to Google search something like ‘motivational quotes’ then repost something that you have found, and of course cite, with a couple of your own thoughts. Simple.

What Are People Saying About You?

The internet has a long memory and what is said about you will remain online for a long time. Check and see what conversations are being held about your brand or business. Try a website like Social Mention and type in your name, website, or whatever information you want to check.

Social Mention retrieves information like images, blogs, and questions asked about you or your brand. You can use this information to figure out how people feel about you and your brand and perhaps use this data to tweak your online presence.

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So there you go. Seven Marketing Hacks for Business to make marketing easier and more efficient for your business. Give it a go; what’s a minute in the grand scheme of things?

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